Joseph Choi

It is difficult to accurately explain the materials that appear in my work. Of course, it can be said that there are certain rules in the process of being constructed, but it is not easy to define.
Based on my experience, the images that are reconstructed as I go back to my memory...
They are listed side by side and touched by repeating the process of being erased and overlaid like ancient documents(palimpsest). Sometimes, the form is unknown because it is both simultaneous and partially present.

It is freely constructed through some order that is difficult to explain by meshing in a slight unconscious state (a state of mind before sleep) rather than my subjective intervention. Of course, in the beginning, I tried to interpret it in a psychological way, but I couldn't find a satisfactory answer. Many psychologists, including Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, may not have to explain the psychological phenomena in the human head, which were bound to reach their limits. As a writer, not a psychologist, I am only interested in the mechanism in my head that is freely formed, not in analysis. The process of forming freely in an area that we cannot approach is a new journey, a spiritual exploration, and a challenge for me every time.


"The ego is not master in its own house"- Sigmund Freud