Lee Jinwoo finally creates a miraculous screen after repeating a long and tough process of using traditional Korean paper Hanji and charcoal. After applying acrylic solution and medium to the cloth, he sprinkles charcoal and wood charcoal, and covers the top with Hanji. He repeatedly rubs and scratches with an iron brush, and covers again with Hanji. After this, he repeats, several times, the process of rubbing and scratching the mixture of Hanji, charcoal and wood charcoal. Hence, the painting of Lee Jinwoo symbolizes a state of reconciliation after undergoing a dialectical collision between Hanji (image of growth) compressing the vitality of a tree full of vivacious energy together with charcoal (image of extinction) made by the burnt wood. His painting resembles human history created by the overlapped steps of life and death. At the same time, the world as a post-image, which had been completed through strenuous and repetitive labor looks like a universe operating in silence. His painting world, the result of his lifetime dedication to abstract painting imbued with the most Korean distinctiveness, is now in the limelight on the global stage.