Ham Myungsu focuses on the theme of life and death. All humans, animals and plants are living yet dying at the same time. Objects also wear out over time undergoing elimination from the wave of existence. The more you struggle to fill your life, the farther the true meaning of life draws away from you. The more you strive to satisfy your desires, the deeper your frustration becomes. Conversely, the more you empty your life and reduces your desires, the fuller your life will be. Ham Myungsu has been completing his painting with the gesture of “scratching,” which is a gesture trying to decrease and empty existing situations and conditions. By scraping away the paint applied on the screen, the artists reveals a full, mild, and complete meaning. In this exhibition, his pistol painting is displayed. The pistol depicted by him is far from being a tool to attack and kill the outside world. We perceive our consciousness onto the outside world to perceive the outside world. The pistol of Ham Myungsu is a symbol of our consciousness. However, it is a pistol that is gently abated with an expression similar to soft wool. A soft pistol experiences oxymoron per se, like a square circle. Oxymoron is a rhetoric consisting of simultaneous opposing words to enhance a desired effect. Etymologically, this term “oxymoron” itself means“a sharp dull”in Greek containing contradiction per se. Despite this contradiction, it plays a role to embody a strong psychological truth.